(w.e.f. February 2025)

All faculty members are encouraged to engage themselves actively in Research and Consultancy activities as well as pursue their higher education such as Ph.D. To foster and to encourage Research and Consultancy activities, the Institute has devised the following broad guidelines.

  1. Faculty members who have completed one year / one adhoc term of 11 months of uninterrupted service with the Institute and who have registered for their Ph.D. degree at a recognized University can avail paid Study Leave during their Ph.D. registration period (limited to maximum 5 years) as per institute’s leave policy. These approved study leaves are subject to periodic progress review by the Competent Authorities of the Institute as deemed necessary.
  2. Such faculty members are expected to utilize their Study Leave for undertaking research at the University approved research centres, visiting other research organizations in connection with their Ph.D. work, attending conferences/workshops, presenting their research papers and for allied activities.
  3. To avail these facilities, faculty member has to make sure that the academic and other commitments at the Institute are fulfilled in prior and no cancellation/rescheduling of theory/laboratory classes are required. As far as possible, Study Leave should be taken during the semester break or during the vacation period.
  4. Institute shall support 75% of the expenses (up to maximum of Rs. 10,000/- per year) for registration, travel, stay, food etc. for presenting research paper at reputed National/International conferences, workshops, seminars and related events along with appropriate number of Duty Leave/ Study Leave as applicable. Author(s) while presenting research papers in national and international conferences must have affiliation to International Institute of Information Technology (I2IT) to get the claim benefits.
  5. Attendance/participation certificates from Research supervisor/ Research Centre/Organizers are to be submitted to the Institute immediately after availing the above facility. Delay/failure to submit such documents may lead marking the leave as Leave without Pay (LWP).
  6. In case of Indian Patent registration, Institute shall support 100% of the expenditure incurred in the process that includes registration fees, examination fees, attorney fees, incidental charges etc., up to a maximum of Rs. 20,000/- per year. However, for filing International patent, prior approval of the management is required. Author(s) filing national and international patents must have affiliation to International Institute of Information Technology (I2IT) to get the claim benefits.
  7. In case of Indian Copyright, Institute shall support 100% of the registration fee, up to maximum of Rs. 4,000/- per year. However, prior approval of the Principal is required. Author(s) filing copyright must have affiliation to International Institute of Information Technology (I2IT) to get the claim benefits.
  8. Institute shall support 50% of the expenses (maximum up to Rs. 15,000/- equivalent to Indian currency per year) for recognized Industrial Certification Courses (e.g., AWS, Cisco, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Nvidia, Oracle, Meta, OpenAI, etc.). Minimum duration of these certified courses must be at least 30 hours.
  9. Institute shall support 50% of the expenses (per year maximum up to Rs. 5,000/- equivalent of Indian currency per year) for recognized Online Certification Courses (e.g., Coursera, MIT OCW, NMEICT, NPTEL, SWAYAM, Udemy, Udacity etc.). Minimum duration of these courses must be 30 hours.
  10. Institute shall support 50% of the expenses (per year maximum up to Rs. 4,000/- equivalent of Indian currency per year) for recognized Professional Body Membership such as IEEE, IETE, Indian Science Congress, ACM, CSI etc.
  11. Revenue generated through activities by faculty members of the institute through consultancy projects/trainings will be distributed after excluding all expenses. Based on utilization of institute resources and duty leave availed balance amount will be shared as follows, subject to prior approval of the Principal.
    S.No. Institute Share Faculty Share
    1 Neither Institute resources utilized, nor duty leave availed 20% 80%
    2 Either Institute resources utilized, or Duty leave availed 30% 70%
    3 Institute resources utilized, and Duty leave availed 50% 50%
  12. Institute shall support a seed research grant of Rs. 2 Lakhs to faculty members for their research endeavours for maximum duration of 2 years. The selection of such grants will be based on peer review and presentation of short-listed proposals in front of the Expert Committee.
  13. Institute shall support the new research facility / lab establishment fund upto Rs. 5 Lakhs per department per year. This shall be state-of-art technology centres for conducting innovations, research & development, consultancy and training activities.
  14. Institute shall support all types of travel related expenses for enhanced interaction with industry and exploring consultancy opportunities as per the laid down travel policy.
  15. Institute shall support 75% of the publication fees for publishing research works carried out by faculty and staff members in the reputed Scopus indexed journals based on the quartiles as below.
    Journal Quartile Upto a Maximum of
    Q1 Rs. 20,000
    Q2 Rs. 15,000
    Q3 Rs. 10,000
    Q4 Rs. 5,000
    Author(s) while publishing research papers in the reputed Scopus indexed journals must have affiliation to International Institute of Information Technology (I2IT) to get the claim benefits
  16. Prior written approval from the Principal is must for availing the above facilities.